Wow! It was amazing to see all the children in their wonderful World Book Day costumes on Thursday and it was a pleasure to share the morning with you doing lots of different activities – I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
In Phonics we have introduced the Yellow I trigraph (3 letters 1 sound) ‘igh’ as in light, fight, might, sigh, high. The children have loved doing the action for this sound and we have learnt all about Yellow I and her job as a lighthouse keeper and a secret spy!
The children have been busy using their phonics knowledge to write igh words in their phoneme frame making sure each sound is in its own box.
In English we have continued with ‘Drawing Club’ this week and have been reading the traditional tale The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We have drawn the troll, the bridge, how we would rescue the troll from the river and drawn new animals that might dare try and cross the troll’s bridge! The children have the most fantastic imagination and used their Monster Phonics knowledge and wrote the most wonderful descriptive sentences explaining what they have drawn!
In Maths we are continuing with our phase ‘Building 9 and 10’. We have been busy this week singing the song ‘there was one in the bed’ and collaboratively ordering numbers from 10 to 1. The children were much better at it than me! We discovered there are lots of different ways to make10 and have been learning all about number bonds (recalling numbers which together make 10 – 8 and 2, 6 and 4 ect) and we have been picking a number by rolling a dice and using a number track looking at numbers that are more or fewer than our chosen number.
In Topic we have been looking at ‘Spring and Grandparents’. We talked about the early signs of spring and talked about what we had already seen – buds on the trees, snowdrops, blossoms on the trees and even planting bulbs at home. We then talked about our grandparents and looked at what their favourite toys were when they were 4 and 5. We also looked at the electronics they may have used and talked about the similarities and differences to the ones we use now.
A questionnaire has been shared with you regarding the children’s grandparents’ likes and dislikes. We would really appreciate it if you could fill it in over the weekend – Thank you!
Please remember that PE is on a Monday and we expect children to come into School wearing their PE kit – a letter reminding you of the correct PE kit has been sent home.
Please ensure you send wellies and waterproofs with your child to keep in their locker at school.
Please remember to send your child’s Handwriting Homework Book back on a Monday – thank you.
We love to see what adventures your child gets up to at home – clubs they attend , baking, reading, making dens, being creative, going on nature walks. Tapestry is a wonderful place to share these with us and the class – please upload your photos and a brief description so we can share these together during circle time.