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Welcome to Maple Tree Class

Welcome to Maple Tree Class! We are a class of 27 enthusiastic, collaborative and curious learners. We are taught by Miss Gray on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and Mrs Kelly on Thursdays and Fridays. We are also lucky to be supported by Mrs Cornhill and Miss Cutting! In Year 2, we are working on increasing our independence and confidence to believe in ourselves, so we can use our skills to solve problems and be succesful learners.

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What are we learning about this term?

This term our topic is ‘From Past to Pixels’. Throughout this topic the children will explore the technlogy evolution, the world of robotics and animation and have plenty of opportunities to use their imagination and creativity.

We will spend our History lessons looking closely at what technology is and how people it has supported people throughout history in areas such as our personal lives, the world of Science and in our Maths learning

In Art and Design, we will explore skeches, specifically learning that lines have various thickness and some lines can be darker or lighter dependent on how hard we press.

In Computing our learning will dive deep into the world of animations and robots. We will challenge ourselves while making flip books and combine movements to create a sequence on a robotic device.

We will also be incorporating Music, RE, PSHE and PE into our lessons by using technology as the stimulus to our learning. We can't wait for our brains to grow bigger from all of the new information we shall be learning!

KS1 From Past To Pixels Planning Pack

What Happened
This Week...

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I like JONK time with different activities. I am looking forward to learning phonics and new letters. I love being with my friends in class when we do group work.

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I like learning new things at school. I love writing and showing the teachers my writing. I enjoy playing with my friends outside. I want to learn new things everyday.

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I like JONK time. My favourite lesson is maths. I enjoy counting upwards and learning more numbers.