Welcome to our final term, Summer! To get us started for this term, we have begun a new topic, ‘Infinity and Beyond’. The children are very excited about this topic, there is much to learn about space! We have spent some time learning about trees and plants in Science and getting our hands covered in soil while planting our own cress and sunflowers. Alongside Science we have completed another PSHE unit which is about what is safe to go in and on our bodies. The children have shown excellent understanding about what is good for us and who we should go to if we are unsure about whether or not something is safe for our bodies. Please continue to send children in with appropriate shoes and in the correct school uniforms. New topic homework has been sent home, feel free to get started on this and don’t forget to fill in reading logs when reading at home – 5 recorded reads at home equals 5 Mundesley merits children can spend in the Mundesley Merit shop!