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Dates for the Diary

September 2024

Tuesday 24 September

All Day
MIJS - Sibling and individual Photos

Wednesday 25 September

All Day
MJS - Flu Vaccinations

Weekly Updates


Target set by the Government is 95.3%

Current attendance figure for:

MIS is 94.92 %

There are currently 62 children with 100% attendance at MIS

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Class Attendance Last Week

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Online Safety

All in-term holiday requests will be classed as unauthorised absences.  This will likely result in a fixed penalty notice being issued from Norfolk County Council.

In Norfolk, penalty notices are issued in accordance with the Norfolk Local Protocol. In all cases a penalty notice can only be issued if the pupil has accrued at least 9 sessions (4.5 school days) of unauthorised absence within the previous 6 school weeks.  This would result in a fine of £60 per child per parent ie; for a family with 2 children this would total £240

The leaflet below has more information about fixed penalty notices.